Remedial Massage is a firmer massage that works deep into muscles, helping to relieve aches and pains due to stress or poor posture. The massage is tailored to suit the needs of the individual – a deep massage to release muscle aches and pains, or a more gentle massage for relaxation.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is effective in clearing toxins from the body, as well as helping to reduce fluid retention from a variety of causes ranging from PMT, oedema, lymphedema, sinusitis, pre and post surgery or injury. It is particularly effective in reducing lymphedema post cancer. Regular treatment can help to boost the immune system. MLD is a very gentle, relaxing treatment, suitable for most conditions.
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle therapy that helps the body balance itself resulting in deep relaxation and a general release of aches and pains and an increase in vitality.
In most cases clients have an immediate improvement in their range of movement and a decrease in pain. It’s quick and easy and Lisa often adds it to her other treatments to bring about a deeper release. She has now reached the professional level and did her training in Sydney, most of it with Ross Emmett himself.