Below is some material that was developed for rural men at a farming conference. Men are sometimes reticent to talk about their personal health, but are often very astute when it comes to managing finances or cars and other vehicles. Research shows that men are less likely to experience a major health incident if they are is a good relationship. Read on…
1. Personal Vitality – Balance Sheet
Make a list of your current assets and liabilities to your lifestyle. Be honest. What do you do that supports your vitality? What do you do that sabotages your vitality?
Assets Liabilities
Spring is a great time to start a positive change of habit. Make a commitment to yourself to let go of one liability and replace it with one new asset…this spring! There is probably something that you have thought about for a while but not acted on yet. Desire coupled with a vision of long term fulfilment is the key.
2. Quarterly personal maintenance schedule for blokes
Because we talk about our cars and look after them, but sometimes we forget our personal maintenance.
Birthday ¼ ½ ¾
Maintenance areas:
Paintwork – Skin
Oil pressure – Blood Pressure
Oil pump – Heart
Fuel additives – Alcohol intake
Fuel filter – Kidneys
Fuel tank and lines – Stomach and gut
Sump – Bowel
Exhaust – Smoking
Air filter – Lungs
Spark plugs – Testicles/ Prostate
Radiator – Bladder and prostate
Headlights – Eyes
Wing mirrors – Hearing
Electrics – Nervous system/ mental health
Air Con /climate control – Mood /emotions
Chassis – Muscles, joints (including spine)
Shock absorbers – Spouse/ relationship (men in good relationships live healthier and longer)
Talk with you health practitioner(s) about benchmarking tests on the BIG birthdays (decades). Then you have a measurable reference point. Some systems require an annual check, others may need quarterly maintenance. Times vary depending on age, genetic predisposition and medical history or prior conditions. Prevention is better than cure. Take a look under the bonnet!
Michael Mulholland, Osteopath